2 May 2019, Vilnius. The consolidated income of Inreal Group comprised 24.4 million euros in 2018. Most of it was obtained from selling housing in the new seaside home projects. The Group's net profit reached 2 million euros.
"In 2018, we have completed three seaside housing projects: "Dangės krantinės" in Klaipėda, as well as "Labas, Jūra!" and "Marių verandos" recreation complexes in Neringa. The sales in these projects comprised most of the income of the Inreal Group, – said Head of Inreal Group Gediminas Pruskus. According to him, 2018 was a particularly successful year for the Group regarding real estate (RE) sales revenue – transactions carried out in the newly developed projects were able to generate 10.4 million euros. An income of 4.7 million euros was also obtained after selling commercial RE which was not planned to be developed further. RE sales comprised a total of approximately 62 percent of Inreal Group's income in 2018.
"It was a good year for real estate service providers: brokers, appraisers and cadastral measurement specialists. Results have increased by around 2 times compared to last year", – said G. Pruskus.
Around 18 percent of income was obtained from the lease of business centres and other commercial premises managed by Inreal, which significantly contributed to the profit of the entire Group.
In 2019, most of the Inreal Group's income and profit will be generated by sales in the "Miesto ritmu" project developed in Vilnius, where 92 percent of housing were already sold prior to the beginning of the second quarter of 2019.
INREAL is a trademark of an idea, which gives spark to unique projects, basis for professional services, and added value to businesses, clients, and partners. INREAL positions creativity as a core value in the dynamic business world. INREAL Group, which consists of UAB "Inreal", UAB "Inreal GEO" , UAB "Inreal valdymas" and its managed companies, develops unique real estate (RE) projects and provides probably the widest range of real estate services in Lithuania. Currently they have over 90 employees working for them in 11 cities in Lithuania. The company has engaged in business operations for 25 years and implemented more than 50 real estate projects of various purposes, which received recognition and awards at contests not only in Lithuania but on an international scale as well. In 2015/16, 2016/17 and 2017/18 Inreal Group was named as the National Winner during the prestigious European Business Awards.
More information:
Rūta Merčaitienė,
Head of Marketing and Communication at INREAL GROUP
+370 611 29 779 ruta.mercaitiene@inreal.lt