Real estate management and development company Inreal valdymas (Inreal Management) will manage the new business centre Intractus at Pilaites pr. in Vilnius. The company will be responsible for tenant search and other building administrative issues.Total area of the new B+ class modern office building is 4 400 sq. m., and the rented area reaches 2 400 sq. m. There are car parking lots under and near the building.
"This business centre is attractive to tenants by its convenient location, rapid communication with various districts of the city", - stated Agnius Tamošaitis, Head of Real Estate Management Department of JSC
Inreal valdymas. According to him, well-arranged premises and significantly various areas (from 23 sq. m.) are suitable for customers with different needs. Each office is equipped in accordance with individual requirements of tenants.
Business centre is in a particularly attractive location, near the intersection of Pilaites prospect and Western Bypass, currently under construction, and is easily accessible from the city centre.
More information:Rūta Merčaitienė
INREAL GROUP Marketing and Communications Manager
Cell phone no. +370 611 29 779