“Labas, Jūra!” is a unique complex in Juodkrantė (Neringa) on the seashore seamlessly blending in the natural dune landscape. Residential and holiday apartments with space up to 280 sq. m have been built on six 2–3-floor buildings. The total area covered by the project is 1.9 ha. Investments to the reconstruction amounted to 8.8 million Euros.
Adomas Šablevičius, Architect of the Project representing UAB “G.A.L. architektai”, told that the architectural structure of Project “Labas, Jūra!” was determined by historical heritage and natural landscape. Most ancient villas in the Curonian Spit have typical vertical wooden structural or decorative elements. “The vertical structures of the buildings, their rhythm in the natural dune landscape and the waves of the Sea have become the architectural “key” to the Project. The openwork façades of the buildings are characteristic of several depths: a wooden net on the surface, a deeper layer of glass and blinds, and the third layer includes the visual plan with terraces and balconies”, A. Šablevičius told.
Photo galley "Before and After"