Cadastral measurements of buildings
Cadastral measurement of buildings is an exact determination of building geometric data, preparation of plans and other necessary data. It is performed in order to register a building into the Cadastral Database.
Inreal GEO, UAB is certified ISO 9001:2015/LST EN ISO 9001:2015, ISO 14001:2015/LST EN ISO 14001:2015 and ISO 45001:2018/LST EN ISO 45001:2018.
Cadastral measurements of buildings are performed when:
Cadastral measurements of buildings are performed in accordance with provisions on real estate cadastre of the Republic of Lithuania, approved by Order No. 534 on the 15th of April in 2002 by the Government of the Republic of Lithuania (Revision of Resolution No. 695 of the Government of the Republic Lithuania on the 23rd of June in 2005) and in accordance with the collection and revision regulations of the cadastral measurements of real estate objects and cadastre data (Order No. 522 of the Minister of Agriculture of the Republic of Lithuania of 2002-12-30).
Cadastral measurements of engineering communications (determination of the cadastral data of outdoor water supply, sewage and gas systems) are performed after the construction, reconstruction, general repair, or other reorganization of engineering communications carried out upon the request of the owner or user.
GUIDELINES FOR THE PREPARATION OF THE RAILWAY LINE CADASTRAL DATA FILE approved by Order No. 1P-163 of the Director General of the National Land Service under the Ministry of Agriculture dated on the 5th of September, 2005.
Guidelines for the Preparation of the Railway Line Cadastral Data File regulate the procedures of the preparation of the cadastral data file on the railway line and rail runway, and the procedures of completion of cadastral data forms.
GUIDELINES FOR THE PREPARATION OF THE ROAD CADASTRAL DATA FILE approved by Order No. 105 of the Director General of the National Land Service under the Ministry of Agriculture dated on the 5th of May, 2005.
Guidelines for the Preparation of the Road Line Cadastral Data File regulate the procedures of the preparation of the road cadastral data file and completion of cadastral data forms.
Order No. 1P-168 on the GUIDELINES FOR THE PREPARATION OF THE OUTSIDE WATER SUPPLY OR OUTSIDE WASTEWATER DRAINAGE CADASTRAL DATA FILE AND THE APPROVAL OF OUTSIDE WATER SUPPLY AND OUTSIDE DRAINAGE CADASTRAL DATA FORMS approved by the Director General of the National Land Service on the 8th of December in 2006 (Official Gazette, 2006, No. 136-5191). It regulates the procedures of the preparation of the cadastral data of water networks or wastewater disposal networks and the completion of cadastral data forms.
Documents necessary to perform the cadastral measurements of engineering buildings and engineering networks:
Simplified projects (fences, sites, engineering buildings up to 10 000 sq. m., purpose change, separation, combination.
Amalgamation, filling of ordinary repair work documentation, filling of documents related to unfinished constructions and building approval as suitable for use.